Search Results for: game

UK languages BBC

The BBC have put up an article showing how the new UK government aim of giving every primary school child the chance to learn a foreign language is getting on: More primaries teaching languages There isn’t much new in the report, but it does reflect the situation in many other countries. If you know any…

Indian kids

Most of my impressions had been formed by teaching and talking with the teachers last week. But as it had been the school holidays, I hadn’t actually taught any kids until today. So that was this morning’s work. Well, actually it was really fun. The class teachers were all the same teachers from last week…

Last training day

As I mentioned before, today was going to be an optional thing, but all the teachers insisted on joining, even though it meant being crammed onto a non-air conditioned bus on non-made up roads to get here. And they were great. We did a few more songs, and they finally got the idea that the…

India Tough Day

To keep things flowing, and also because we had electricity, I was on this morning with the phonics workshops in the afternoon. After yesterday’s storming success there was no problem that the Indian teachers could sing, play the games and be incredibly genki about it all. Today was to get them used to teaching themselves,…

Genki in India

4 days of workshops for 70 teachers, half phonics and half Genki English. Sounds fairly straight forward? Well, this morning was quite an Indian experience, just bordering on chaos but miraculously by 10:30 the room was full of very genki teachers, all in wonderful Indian dress, and everything was ready to go. Well nearly ready,…

Indiana Jones & the Secret Code

I went to see Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull last night. Well, hmm, yeah, it probably was worth going to see at the cinema, but only just! Anyway here’s another Indiana Jones inspired game “Indiana Jones & the Secret Code”. It’s based on the popular, but now long in the tooth, Da Vinci Code…