Search Results for: game

2 schools, Favourite Flavour

I got a call at 8:30 this morning asking if I could do a workshop at a school today. A little short notice but I know the head teacher so was cool. But he wanted it in the afternoon and I was already booked, which I explained, so he said “That’s OK, you can do…

Need more caffeine

Doing workshops everyday really leaves you on a high, helping people out plus doing the actual songs and games is just fun!! So it was down to Earth with a bang today having to sit behind a computer! The fun bit is answering people’s emails, from all over the World, which is great. The boring…

“Super Dynamite” in Kagawa

I don’t know what it is, but there always seemed to be a funny feeling about today’s workshop. I got there a touch early, and they put me away in a room until 15 minutes before the workshop, where I then had to rush a bit to prepare in time. And it also turns out…

In Tokushima + Awaodori

Over the last few weeks all of the workshops have been in places where the teachers are actually having to teach English right now, so are in the “help, we need teaching ideas quick!” mode. Whereas today I was invited by the Educational Research office ( who are very much into things), but the actual…

Workshop in Okinawa & the CIA

CIA So today was the main reason I’m down here in Okinawa, to attend a panel discussion and give a 2 hour workshop at the Okinawa JShine Conference. Things were very well organised and the people in charge certainly did a very good job and we ended up with 100 people there. Things started off…

AJET Info Fair

It seemed strange going “back” to Tokyo last night, Tokyo isn’t quite the place you look forward to returning to! But today was the AJET Info which is cool as I got to talk to a lot of new JETs, and as this day is a commercial event I could also show people the Genki…