Search Results for: game

Minoshima Elementary School – perfect!

Some schools are just perfect. And I think today was the easiest workshop I’ve ever done. The teachers were mega genki, up for learning new stuff and asking lots of great questions. If every school in Japan were like this they’d rule the World. We started off with the warm up and they got into…

Okayama – All day bullet train, frogs & peaches

So after last night having one or two too many shandies, I wasn’t feeling too genki this morning! But I had to get up early to get the Shinkansen down to Okayama. And they were all full! I’d forgotten it was a 3 day holiday. So I had to get a non-reserved ticket, and I…

Tokyo – EU-Japan Year of People-to-People Exchanges Video Clip Competition Award Ceremony and 2005 British Council Team-Teaching Lesson Plan Competition Award Ceremony

Now that’s a long title! I got a call the other week asking me to attend the event tonight, to meet a lot of people and to offer my support to the competition. As this is just the sort of thing I’m wanting to help promote in schools it sounded like a nice evening. And…

Nagasaki – Back in the classroom

Today was the second time I’ve visited a school in such a short time ( I was here exactly a year ago), and it is so nice to see how the kids have progressed through the year. The ALT schedule has been a bit up and down, but the kids attitude and speed of learning…


I don’t know what it is with July but today was also fully booked, with extra people turning up. At one point it looked like we might have to turn people away ( because of the fire regulations), but in the end it worked out just OK. Today was a funny gig as it was…

Tokyo – Whatever…

Today was another gig for the bookstore Maruzen. Recently these bookstore events haven’t been quite as good as they should, but the boss of the store is a cool guy so I offered to present, and as it happened it was completely booked up with people being turned away! So I was expecting a top…