Search Results for: game

Maruzen Nagoya and making publishers Genki?

OK, how to motivate 70 teachers at 10 AM on a Sunday? A challenge. Especially when I find out there is no projector. And there are also a load of kids. But…. as luck would have it these were the kids who always turn up in Nagoya, and they were great, even better than the…

Get ready for a 6 hour Genki English / MLH workshop in Tokyo!

Recently I’ve really been feeling the big gap between bookstore gigs which last 50 minutes and have a broad range of teachers, and the real professional development workshops in which you really see a progression as the teachers improve. Financially as well, the free bookstore gigs attract good teachers, but also the ones who just…

While the iron is hot

Spent the morning running around changing hotels, then over to Shibuya to have a chat about organising an adults eikaiwa show using the Genki English songs and games. I might as well put the wheels in motion whilst the idea is still fresh! Shibuya is the Japanese city of fashion and has some pretty cool…

Tokyo Orientation Day 2

Things just seem to be on a roll at the moment. Today’s workshops were just brilliant. I had no idea how many people would turn up, and I wouldn’t have thought that many of them even knew Genki English, but the the room was overflowing, with people standing at the back and taking up just…


Kagoshima is one of the interesting cities in the World, where the people who were deciding where to build it must have said “Where shall we build our new city?” and someone said “Oh yes, right next to a live volcano!”. As you do. So today was a “mini conference” sponsored by JALT and the…

The second time around

It’s not that often that you get to go to work on a boat! And a pretty posh high speed one at that. Today started off with a quick hop across Hakata bay to a school I did a workshop for last year. This year they asked me back to do more games and songs…