Search Results for: game

Kids’ Shows in Osaka

A long time ago the business model of Genki English was that in order to keep the Elementary School visits free, I’d also do private shows where the kids pay to attend. These did work well, but the amount of work for the people who organise the events is just way too much! So three…

Fantastic Full Day in Osaka

Today was just so good. It was up early, a meeting at 8:30 and then from 9:30 till 7:30 in the evening a full 8 and a half hours of Genki English! I wasn’t sure how many teachers would come, but in the end there were 15 from all sorts of teaching backgrounds ( even…

Off to Osaka

The only place in Japan my wireless internet doesn’t work is the mountains of Hiroshima! And it took my computer over night just to download the 2 days worth of email ( mostly spam of course!). And this morning I had loads of deadlines to get things sorted, so didn’t leave Hiroshima till lunchtime!! I…

Back to Ehime for a day!

Yeah I’m back in Ehime for a day! It’s a bit silly, Ehime is still the place I officially live but it’s the first time I’ve been here since March!!! It’s great hearing the frogs in the paddy fields and the general “countrysideness” of everywhere! And as I only had one day I was mega…

All sorts

The delivery guy woke me up this morning with the printed masters of the card game. Ergghhh! They look absolutely horrible!! When I design stuff for the web the colours always look really cool, but when they get converted for a professional printing press they naturally have to be converted. But this time the colours…

Rain, rain, rain!

Did some work this morning, just general sort of stuff then went out to Aso San for a game of golf!! And it was fantastic weather, absolutely brilliant! We ( my girlfriend and I ) went up to the top of the volcano, which was also great. But about ten minutes after we arrived, a…