Search Results for: game

Kids Workbook & Audio Quizzes

Over the past few weeks I’ve been going through my plans for Genki English for the coming year. One of the themes that keeps coming up from the bookstores and private teachers, is the need for a kids workbook. Personally I believe the songs and games are the main thing, but giving the parents something…

Nara ALT Meeting!

Today was another JET day, doing a presentation sponsored by the Nara Prefectural Board of Education and the Ministry of Education. They had Kip Cates doing the morning seminar and he was great as usual, taking about World issues. It was great to hear the JETs saying “yeah, after his speech last time I really…

Back to computer work

Last week was all presentations, which was fun and cool. Today was back to computer work and it is really the most unenjoyable part of doing Genki English!! It’s just a series of problems, from my computer not being able to type Japanese to finding out that the hosting bill for the website has quadrupled…

A great day in Okayama

Got picked up at 10 this morning and off to today’s school. The teacher here had seen my presentation for the Okayama City BOE in Summer so invited me to the school to give the teachers a hand in setting up their own programme. Up until now they’ve had an ALT once a week, but…

Nellie’s Bookfair

Nellie’s is a large bookstore in Tokyo that specialises in English Language Teaching materials. They’re well worth looking up if you’re looking for some new materials. Anyway, they invited us to take part in their Autumn tour, and today was the first day in Tokyo. Set up time was 7:30, far too early!! At 9…

Music and TPR

Spent a lot of today producing jingles, commentaries and voice overs for the video. I spent a fortune last month on library music, but there is a still a lot of stuff that I’ll just have to write myself. But it is so much easier to produce audio material than video, I guess that’s why…