Search Results for: game

Kobe Day Three + my presentations!

Oh I felt well ill this morning! But actually when I look back all my best presentations have been when I’ve been in the same frame of mind as most of the participants! I also had to get up at 6 o’clock to prepare some PR sheets for a company in Fukuoka! So actually by…

day off and it rained!

Typical I guess. So I slept most of the day. In the evening I sorted out the master of the Genki English Card Game, it looks like we might be able to make it into a printed product, which should hopefully save a lot of people a lot of time!

Phonics Worksheets

The new Phonics CD has audio games for each of the ten phonemes on there, and for each one there needs to be a worksheet. The three that have been on the site have proven really popular, so I did the other seven today. I also figured it’d be useful to have A4 sheets with…

Photos, Printing and Running Around

I seemed to be well busy today. It took till lunchtime to sort out all the email enquiries about the CDs ( the need to eat necessitates these taking priority!), then out to get my hair cut and the photo shoot for the Genki Phonics CD sorted out. That took a while and in the…

DVD’s no good!

Got bit of a surprise phonecall this morning from one of the big bookstores saying that the quality of the DVD isn’t good enough! Bit of a shock that. It’s never nice to be told something’s not good, but as a businessman I have to listen to what people say, and as Seth Godin (…

Down to work and

Right, I’m completely on my own for the next 3 days so I can just blast on with a load of work and get tons of stuff done with no interruptions! With my jet lag I’m also in the strange position of waking up at 8AM and feeling sleepy at midnight, very strange! So after…