Just in time for your Olympics Lessons, here’s the latest Genki English update for the “What sports do you play?” lesson!
If you’ve taught this song before I’d love to hear your feedback in the comments.
And/or of course finding mistakes or positive comments about the updates are always appreciated!
Here’s what’s new:
– super improved graphics (are they dynamic enough now?)
– improved sound
– added “Days of the Week + Sports” picture book
To install:
1. Safely back up your Download Pack / USB ( because you know *something* will go wrong somewhere!)
2. Right click and select save as on this link https://genkienglish.net/clipart/SPORTS.SWF
3. Copy the file into your Download Pack / USB folder (overwriting the previous version)
And I think, ladies and gentlemen, that is the last of the main updates!
There will be a few smaller ones later in the year (menu, picture books etc.) but as they stand now every lesson has super hi res pictures that should hopefully make it much easier to persuade your schools to go with Genki English!
Of course if I have missed any themes then doΒ let me know in the comments!
Or if you find mistakes in this one!!
Thanks for all your support and nice comments both here and on Facebook.
The reason I’ve been able to take the time to do all these free updates Β is because of all the great messages you’ve been writing about Genki English on blogs, twitter, Facebook and of course in real life.
The more you help by telling more teachers about Genki English, the more time I can spend making new things for you!
I think that’s a pretty good deal! π
Be genki,
P.S. Β I’m heading off to a conference in Singapore tomorrow but I should be back on email very soon!
P.P.S. Β If you’re not a VIP member yet, no worries, all the updates are included in the Genki EnglishΒ Download Pack!
Thanks Richard, this is wonderful!!!! If you have a chance to update the flashcards and minicards it would be great!! Safe travels!!
That’s great! Thanks!
This song is one of my favourites, so I am especially pleased to see it revamped. The story looks cool too.
The only thing that I ever think would be nice to change is to make it a more flexible ‘What Sports Do You Like?’ But that is only because the HRTs always get it wrong, as they have usually drilled themselves with the ‘What ***** do you like?’ question.
Perhaps an optional alternative version with ‘like’ would be useful. Then, for the karaoke version they can sing any sport they want. Mind you, they can sing ‘I like ******’ for the karaoke version anyway, I guess!
That’s why I kept it “play” here and for the new sports song it will be “What’s your favourite sport?” because I’ve never met a homeroom teacher who hasn’t said “What do you play sports?” at least once!
Instead of bowing to the tests, let’s break them with real English!
Coming soon Kristin!
great update Richard! One quibble from an American… the pitcher in the baseball scene is throwing with his/her gloved hand. You throw with your free hand. Not such a big deal but baseball being the number one sport in Japan and all…
π and that one was done by an American artist!
either way it’s “okashii” . Should I have my kids e mail you directly with their corrections?
it’s great. I think it’s the tiny “unrealities” kids remember of GE and find sooo interesting. Like the “throw” in the soccer song, doing a foul throw.
Or they can put them up here!
@Margit: A foul????? Oops!
Richard, your updates and other goodies given to the VIP members are living proof of how valuable this English language teaching program really is.
Thanks so much for your kindness and your creativity!
Thank you Deena!
to tell you the truth IΒ΄ve been having a problem to follow all the news, ideas and upgrades you keep posting on your website and FB… itΒ΄s just amazing how hard-working and creative you are. Just the other day I spent hours reading all the blog posts you wrote during the last school year (when I was too busy teaching at my new private school and didnΒ΄t get to read all of them)…
many thanks for everything… again and again…
Thanks once again!
The only error is the throw of the baseball with gloved hand!
I really love the shark swimming in the background of the volleyball…the kids will certainly spot that and get a laugh!
Thanks for including the book as well…I think that is one of the best new features!
My kids loved the badminton graphics. Had to admit I was incredulous when the first student suddenly yelled CARROT. π
@Richard “foul”
you mean this isn’t on purpose?
The player doing the throw in the soccer topic is raising his back foot. But when throwing in you have to have both feet on the ground.
So far all classes I did this topic with (more than 400 kids since last year) are getting really exited seeing this scene.
So I really think you should leave the “wrong” baseball throw in there as well.
I started GE about 6 Months ago and used it with my little school(altogether about 15 students). The kids love it and me too.
Recently I had a little end-of_year party for my students and their parents. We set up in our garden and the weather was beautiful.
First I took the parents into our little school (really tiny but cosy) and explained to them what we did this year and also the new method I discovered, Genky English.
The kids performed all together the left and right song, dancing and singing along. Then each group presented a little scenario form GE. For example one group did “how much is?” and pretended to have a shop. One group presented a guessing game scenario “Is it big? Is it an animal?” . Another group presented “I’m thirsty. Would you like adrink? scenario. Another one “How are you?”
It was great. Even though ther kids were not very loud, because they werea bit shy, the parents loved it.
After that, we played games. We all had a great afternoon.
I am exited to start a new year in September with all the material of GE. I have a bit of time during the holidays to prepare.
Have a good day.
thanks, richard. you’ve just open my way of teaching. thanks so much….
Thanks a lot Richard. The kids and I love updates. They get just as excited about them as a new song and it’s really keeping them motivated. I’ll constantly be checking for the new updates.
Maybe something coming very soon ….. π