Search Results for: game

It’s not for you!

I got this game from Gomathi in India. ย It is quite hilarious. ย I’ve also got a video but I haven’t got permission to use it yet … Anyway… Show a picture card (e.g. theย Christmas Words from vol. 4 ) to a student. But if they answer they are out! The person next to them must…

What’s in the stocking?

Here’s a great Christmas Party game I just wrote up in this month’s newsletter: Pack a Christmas stocking with either real presents orminicards. 1. At one end of the room one child holds the stocking and asks “What would you like for Christmas?” 2. The other kids, at the other side of the room, shout…

Mido’s Thoughts on Teaching Children

Many of you have become fans of Mido Farid’s games, and Mido has just sent in this piece on thoughts about teaching children. ย What do you think? Teaching children Weย all know that teaching English as a second language can be very hard. ย But teaching children can be really very hard. So I want to give…

New Phonics “i” Song: Cute Mix Video!

To help illustrate the short “i” sound in theย Genki Phonics Course try this new brain virus, sorry, song…. Be warned, if you play the video it will stay in your head all day! ย  How many “i” sounds did you count? It’s also a good introduction to the “Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down” game from theย phonics…

Musical Chairs – Body Parts

Lines from Spain has just sent in this body parts review game – you can use it with Doctor, Doctor or the Make a Face lessons. Print out flashcards of different parts of the body, For instance I have 20 copies of arms, 19 copies of legs,18 copies of heads,17copies of feet, 16 copies of…

Top Ten Christmas Ideas

If Thanksgiving isn’t your cup of tea, maybe a few killer Christmas ideas would be? Here are the Top Ten Christmas Ideas from last year, and I’m sure there’ll be more this year so stay tuned! Original “Genki Christmas” song: ย Christmas Words Worksheets, cards, etc. From Austria: Gingerbread Houseย Christmas Play Uno Styleย Christmas Prepositions Game (…