Search Results for: game

What do you think of ….? Feedback

Donna has sent in this great feedback for the What do you think of …? lesson. This turned out to be a really exciting lesson. I divided the board into 3 parts: the “What do you think of THIS, the HIM and HER. It could get a bit confusing if the kids aren’tΒ familiarΒ with THIS-IT, HIM-HE…

3 Things To Guarantee Great Lessons

This weekend I had another workshop in Fukuoka, this time for two days where the teachers actually teach in front of each other and get feedback! We did quite a few themes and also took some good videos so I’ll get those up for you this week. Getting over the dip… The toughest part with…

How to get Genki English on your TV

I’m sure quite a lot of you will have been lucky enough to find a shiny new flat screen TV in many of your classrooms. Β And I’m equally sure many teachers will not know how to use it! So to cure that, let’s show you how to connect your laptop to the TV to get…

Quick Draw!: Update with Video

Here’s yet another really cool game from Mido Farid! Β This time it’s a really simple vocab review game. Divide the class into two groups. Ask the first student from each group to come to the middle of the class Ask them to stand back to back Then ask the two student to close their eyes….

Genki English on a USB Stick! – Get it free?

(See below to see how you can get this set for free!) We’ve just launched a new “USB” version of the Japan Superpack. Β i.e. super easy to carry around! It’s exactly the same as the normal Superpack ( it’s theΒ Teachers Set plus 2 more DVDs in Japanese and a Genki English card game) but instead…

How to teach “because”

Justice just sent in a very easy way to teach “because.” Β  You just link it in with the “I like ..” themes, the What do you want to be? theme and maybe one of the verb themes or the sports theme. Then it’s pretty easy for the kids to come up with things like…