Search Results for: game

Subjects + Days of the Week in Shikoku

Another weekend workshop and this one went very well, it’s great having people who come for a second time! Things were going really well so I thought I’d try some of the new themes we’re testing on the Beta Test Forum. The first one was Days of the Week, which went pretty well! Then I…

If you are banned from being Genki….

Today’s workshop was very interesting! First it was a festival day so it was really hard for teachers to get here. Then some of the teachers were also banned, by their Board of Education, Β from making English lessons too exciting for the kids (see the video below for why!) So I showed them the alternative…

I think it’s Shizuoka…

Today’s workshop in Shizuoka went very well – and on the same billing as Abba! It’s always great having fans who use Genki English in the front row because when other teachers say “Oh no, that won’t work with my kids” the fans turn round and say “No, no, it works great! We use it…

Shiga Workshop – in video!

I’m so glad theΒ Fukuoka workshop was so good because today was almost like pulling teeth! Β I planned a much more advanced workshop with lots of requests from Margit. But in the teaching theory or how education is changing sections most of the teachers were like poor deer caught in headlights! At one point I asked…

10 Full Time Years of Genki English

It’s exactly 10 years ago today that I finished my teaching job and started doing Genki English (very) full time. Here’s how the 10 years have gone by … 1999 Started the Genki English website (here’s theΒ earliest version) as I was doing teacher training workshops and just had so many handouts. Was still teaching elementary…

How to run a Genki Teacher Training Programme

If you’ve been asked to train a group of teachers this holiday, then here is the structure I use. You’ll find that every step is important, to get the teachers from “but inΒ my school ….” to “Oh yeah, let’s do this!” If your teachers don’t speak really fluent English (i.e. most groups) I’d also recommend…