Search Results for: game

Little Known Great Games For Halloween – or Anytime!

It’s a big of a games feast today, with quite a few rare favourites that I’d totally forgotten about! Whether you’re into the Ghouls or Ghosts of Halloween, or just chilling with your usual funky October curriculum, I think you’ll find quite a few gems here! Β (Part two later in the week!) Skeleton Scavenger HuntΒ –…

Games & Ideas learnt from a Russian Tea Party! + How to teach fairy tales in English.

I don’t know about you but I had never heard of a Russian Tea party before. Β But after last week’s workshop Elena put on the most wonderful evening full of Russian tea, dancing, fairy stories and some great games. Β And many of the ideas I think might work great in your class – they were…

VIP Exclusive: New Summer Sports Song, Software & Games!

  UPDATE: Β Past tense “went/played” and skateboard version uploaded!Β Β  Would love to get your thoughts! ======================================================   I’d normally keep this for the big launch, but….. I’d like to ask your thoughts on the new “class game” in the new Summer Sports software. So I’ve put up minicards, recommend class games and practically the full…

New Game: Blowball

Here’s Mido’s game of the week, this might be a fun game for the end of term but only if you have a very clean classroom. πŸ™‚ 1. Β Put the kids in two groups. 2. One group lines up on one side of the class, the other lines up on the other side. 3. Each…

New Game: Hot Seat

Post by Elena Miniyarova. Here’s Mido’s game of the week for reviewing any theme, but why not ice cream! πŸ™‚ 1. Put two chairs at the front of class. 2. Split the class into two groups. 3. One person from each group comes to the front and sits on a chair. 4. The teacher has…

New Game: Step in it! (Only for *that* class!)

Disclaimer! Β Please don’t do this game in nice classes. πŸ™‚ It’s a last resort way to try and win round *that* particular class, Β  you’ll know the one Mido means when you read the game! 8) And don’t worry, I have other suggestions for the classes who don’t want to learn tomorrow! 1. Β Draw a…