Search Results for: game

Best games for really small groups?

Quite a few people have written in asking what are the best games for One on One or really small classes. I’ve written a little on one-one-one here and hereΒ but by far the most popular games for small classes are the mini cards games. Β (In fact I also recommend them to parents when they buy…

New Game: Pair Draw!

1. Put the kids in two groups. 2. One kid from each group comes to the front. 3. Secretly show them a mini card each. 4. They have to draw this picture on the board. 5. The quickest team to guess their artist’s picture gets the point. 6. Two new kids come to the front…

Is it good to repeat games?

Richard wrote in to ask: I would like to know if it is good to repeat games. A very good question! In the lesson plans I introduce a new game for each lesson and I very rarely repeat them. Β  Β The aim of this is to give you all some variety and get you used…

New Game: I came here by ….

Lisa just sent in this great game, you can use it for How are you?, Β How did you get here?, I want to be a …Β  or any of the lessons actually! 1. Put the “Words 2” or flashcards for today’s lesson on the board. 2. All the kids stand in a circle. 3. One…

New Game: Olympic Medal Game! (Phonics, How many etc.)

One great game I’ve used for the Olympics (Summer or Winter) Β is to print out, or put on screen, the medals table in English from the Winter Olympics website. Then you can play a game …. 1. Make sure everyone can see the medals table. 2. Ask a question, such as “How many medals does…

Lesson of the Month: Winter Sports + a Few Games Ideas

Whilst those of us in the Southern Hemisphere are enjoying the Summer sunshine (sorry!) – the rest of the world seems to be having crazy weather. But as much as adults might hate the snow, kids absolutely love it! Β Plus with the Winter Olympics on right now, my top tip for the week is to…