Search Results for: game

How to get your kids addicted to English โ€“ Christmas Avatars!

Have you ever wondered how those online games get the kids so addicted? You know, the ones they (not you of course) can never stop playing? Well a large part of it is just general addiction rules, but a huge, HUGE part of it are what are called “avatars.” Your “avatar” is just the picture…

New Lesson, Song & Animation: What does Santa do? 3rd Person “S”

Lots of people have been asking for a “3rd person s” song i.e. going from “I eat” to “She/He eats.” And thanks to everyone’s help last year – thank you! – ย this year we’ve got a brilliant way to teach it withย Santa, ย just what does he do? Well, he …..s ย and ……s ย and ย …….s You…

Vol. 14/Ninja Level: The 3 Bears

After the success of theย Gingerbread Manย and the Bremen Musiciansย as lessons and plays we just had to genkify, and ultra simplify, another famous English story too. And we chose …. Goldilocks and the 3 Bears! ย  You can find it now on vol. 14 and the Ninja Level of the Curriculum. Ninja Tip: ย If you did…

Help Please: Can you help me win the Literacy XPrize? (And change the World)

Want to help change the world? ย  The other day I was listening to the Tim Ferriss podcastย ย with Tony Robbins (Tony Robbins!) and Peter Diamandis about their new $15m X PRIZE. The first $10m Xprize was to put people in space. ย Sir Richard Branson bought the company that won that X Prize. ( The same…

Halloween Candies, Party Ninja Tip & Look at Spain!

Halloween games aren’t the usual thing I think about when it’s sunny outside…. So after a few days rest – I seriously was exhausted by all that travel! – I just arrived in Spain for this week’s workshop and it is beautiful. But of course I’m still thinking of you guys and all your requests,…

How many lessons to teach in each grade? (With examples)

Euis wrote in to ask: Hello, How do we decide the lessons for each grades? Which lessons for first graders, second, third etc. Hi Euis, Even if students have “studied” English before, ย as Genki English is so different you always need to start new students (whatever their age) from the beginning of the curriculum.ย  ย …