Search Results for: game

Lesson of the Week: Haunted House!

OK I’m going to go for a Halloween theme for this week’s Lesson of the Week. And my number one favourite lesson for Halloween is Who is in the haunted house? This kids love it, Β you get to teach the questions word “who” and rooms of the house, and best of all you get all…

How to cope with multi-level classes and how to teach grammar?

Suha and many others wrote in with some very popular questions, so I figured you might find the answers useful too, How to cope with multi-level classes ? A few options… If you have no control, e.g. in a government school, Β then you have to do co-operative style teaching where the stronger kids teach the…

Masterclass in Izhevsk & Kalashnikovs

After very successful kids’ demo classes yesterday (which I’ll write up soon!) today’s Masterclass for teachers was totally different to last week’s in Yaroslavl. Β There we had super Genki English fans with amazing questions who’d travelled from all over to see me. Β However Β today we had mostly government school teachers who were very much in…

Halloween Lessons for this year!

Yes, it does get earlier and earlier each year! Rather than just having halloween as background music, here at Genki English we do things slightly differently. Β  Instead of just Β Halloween words, weΒ use the power of Halloween (kids love it afterall!) to teach the regular English topics in an even more fun way. And of…

Masterclass in Yaroslavl & 48 hours to get here!

I wanted to start off today with a quote Katya put on Facebook: Dear Richard, the seminar is great! Thank you. It is worth travelling for 48 hours from Volgograd. To the teachers in Izevsk – please, do not miss your chance!!! 48 hours!! Β And the thing is Katya didn’t travel the furthest, we had…

First day in Russia! + What to do with kids who say they can’t

Today was the first day of my first visit to Russia – very exciting. I arrived in Moscow at 8:30 last night, then it took till 4:30 this morning to get to Yaroslavl. Β Then up again at 8! The main two day workshop is tomorrow, but seeing as so many teachers had flown in from…