Search Results for: game

Help! My Kids Don’t Pay Attention! Ninja tips to get the kids’ attention

I get a lot of emails from teachers saying how their kids are running around out of control and don’t pay any attention to anybody. I do sympathise and have seen far too many classes like that myself! It might seem tempting to just say “well, the lessons are too boring then!” but you often…

Lesson of the Week: What did you do in the summer? + Grammar Tricks

  Now this is very interesting … It looks like we’ve found a surprise hit with the new Summer Sports song.Β Β  (My now 5 year old niece drove us all crazy yesterday wanting to do the song over and over – all with gestures she made up herself! ) But it also seems that using…

How to (nearly) double your amount of classes

Instead of just once a week, a lot of teachers would like their students to come twice a week for lessons. But it can often be a tough sell to parents who have to juggle piano, sports, maths and a whole host of other subjects. The trick, as with everything, is in the marketing and…

No need to worry Vol. 13 is here for everyone now!

Hats off to everyone for the Herculean help the other day (and do check out the links to all the bonus goodies below!) Β  Thanks to your hard work everyone else can now get their hands on volume 13, I think you are going to love it! Here are just some of the amazing comments…

Vol. 13 Software Beta Test

UPDATE: Β Thank you everyone , Vol.13 Beta Test applications are now closed andΒ vol 13 is now on sale! πŸ™‚ Thank you to everyone who took part, please do keep your comments and feedback coming below! ===========================================   The vol. 13 software is now ready for VIP beta testing! What you get: 1. You get to…

Tokyo & Nagoya Catch up!

Huge thank you to everyone who came to the workshops in Nagoya & Tokyo this weekend – you were amazing! Here’s a brief round up of what we did, although of course all the “secret” bonus ninja tips and tricks we won’t be sharing on the blog! πŸ™‚ Warm up withΒ When, when, when? Quick recap…