Search Results for: game

Monster list of Christmas Ideas!

Rather than me picking my favourites (I’ll do that later!) I figured I’d just give you the monster list of all the Christmas ideas we’ve had over the years. Β Pick your favourite and do let us know about it in the comments! πŸ™‚ We’ll start with the songs … Gingerbread Man Christmas Shapes Let’s decorate…

Last Minute Halloween & Look at other Teachers’ Parties!

OK, I lied last time, I just had to share these last minute Halloween ideas, although I guess they might need filing away for next year! First Elisabeth wrote in with a great game she uses with her kids: Here’s a game I use to practise with my pupils (age 10) for Halloween. First, I…

First Genki English App is here!

A lot of you have been asking about an iPad version of the Genki English software. (It already works on Android) Making iPhone/iPad apps is horrendously time consuming and expensive, so we’ve started with something small to test the waters, see what the feedback is, and if we get enough 5 stars, downloads etc. we’ll…

How much of the students’ native language should you speak in class? L+1 is the key

I cover this in the Ninja Training Course, but I figured I’d cover it here too as it is a popular question! Β For example Itzel just wrote in from Mexico to ask: In your opinion how much of the students’ native language should you speak in a classroom? I teach english in Mexico and I…

Look at these great Halloween pictures Teresa’s kids did!

Teresa sent in these great pictures from her Halloween lessons, what do you think? This year for Halloween we did Mr. Skeleton Soup and we played with the dice. While the song was going on the students were saying: Oh no! My arm!! I have no arms!!! Oh no! My legs!!! (Without asking them they…

How to go from simple words/phrases to real conversations? with videos!

Getting kids to have *real* conversations. This has been quite a popular request this week, so I thought I’d show you how we do it with Genki English! 1. First no words… So first of all don’t waste time with just teaching words i.e. the old flashcard way of teaching. It’s always much better to…