Search Results for: game

Prizes & Addiction: Give them or not?

One of the great “Should I? Shouldn’t I?”s of teaching is whether to give out prizes or not. Personally I tend not to. Although passports can be a great idea for long term classes. But if you do give out prizes, then something you might want to consider is the addiction element of *randomness*. With…

Help Please! Which New Stationery (pens, books etc,) Song?

I’m getting lots of requests for a stationery theme, pens, books, pencils, rulers etc. There is Β an “Uno style” card game with this vocab, but of course we all need a song too! So, which phrase do *you* teach with the vocab? I’m thinking maybe … Do you have a book? Yes, yes I do….

Where am I today?

Hi Guys, Thought you might like to see this video of where I am today! (Here’s the programme we’re working on over here: 桷倖むンターンシップ) P.S. Today is the last day of the vol. 8 special offer, and also the last day before the fullΒ Download Pack goes up in price again at midnight. If you haven’t…

Africa Day 9: Genki African Artwork!

Today was my (only) day off!! Yeah!! It was also the first night I’d slept as I’d changed rooms. And what a day off it was! After breakfast we all got picked up in jeeps and taken to the Marine National Park. I’d come through here last week so it was cool to go back…

3D Star Wars & Snowmen

The new 3D version of Star Wars is out this weekend ( Jar Jar Binks is as annoying as ever but the 3D is great!) so it’s time for the game that my kids voted the best we ever did Β …. Star Wars Lightsabre Battle Game! It’s a really cool game for learning Left &…

Africa Day 7: Demo lesson day!

So today was the big day to to see if this really does all work in Mafia schools! Β Well, we know it does as it worked last year, but I hadn’t seen it myself yet, and most importantly neither had any of today’s teachers – some of who were stillΒ skepticalΒ that it would work! And they…