Search Results for: game

Discipline: The Agreement!

Short Version: Set two rules at the beginning of every class you teach: 1. Respect everyone 2. Tell me when you don’t understand.   Or the long version …..   Wow, yesterday’s post on the “bad kids at the back” and the proximity trick certainly proved popular. Judging by the feedback and comments I think…

Teaching Colours (Colors!)

Colours are a really hot topic, so I thought I’d introduce the top three Genki English colours lessons for you. I’ve also prepared games, activities and videos, just click through on the links below! No. 3.Β What’s your favourite colour? / What’s your favorite color? This is the classic Genki English colours lesson and works well…

Spelling / Phonics Hopper

Last time we had Bunny Hopping for phrases/vocab, and here’s another, this time for spelling/phonics. 1. Place laminated posters/cards with all the graphemes (letters or groups of letters) you’ve taught on the floor e.g. 2. The teacher shouts out a word that the kids know the graphemes for. 3. The kids hop to each grapheme…

Quick Homework Recap & Upside Down Classroom

Hello, If you’re preparing for the new term ( or school year) Β here’s a quick recap of the different homeworks you can set with Genki English. 1. Β No Homework: If you don’t give homework, then fair enough, GE does work well without it! πŸ™‚ Or if you want to take things up a level ……..

New Song: Possessive Pronouns “Whose is it?”

Hi Guys, As you might have heard I’m in the studio this week, and here’s a brand new song for you!Β This time it’s for words such as mine, yours, his, hers etc. Β  As usual VIP Members can download it for free until it becomes a CD. And here’s a video of the song from…

Kids doing shapes & *How Many* Turtles??

Frank has just sent in this great video of his kids doing the shapes song in China: Ironically of course, you can’t actually see Youtube in China! But I’m sure everyone is jealous of Frank’s classroom! And Lucky in Hong Kong just posted this great photo with the Do you have any brothers or sisters?…