Search Results for: game

New Game: Super Egg!

Mido’s back! Today he’s got another cool counting game, perfect for Easter! 1. On the board draw two big eggs and divide them into 6 segmentsΒ numbered 1 through 6. 2. Divide the class into two teams. 3. Ask the students a question using/based on today’s English (e.g. Is it in the …. ) 4. First…

New Game: Footwalker

This is an incredibly simple game, but it works so well! 1. Put the kids into two groups. 2. Each group has a cut out set of feet on the board. 3. Ask the kids a question about/using today’s English. 4. The team that answers correctly first gets to move their feet one foot width…

Game of the Week & Vol. 8 Special Offer

Hello, We’ve got a Leap day coming up this week, so I thought it was a great chance to recommendΒ the Leapfrog Game – it’s one of my “go to life saver” games for any topic! Have any of you tried it in your classrooms? What do you think? Volume 8 Download Special Offer till Wednesday…

New Game: Clever Buyer!

This is a great game from Reeva to go with the ever popular How much? lesson: 1. Cut out some picture cards of things the kids already know (Eg. simple ones like cat, dog etc). 2. Write down a price on the back of each picture card. The kids musn’t see the prices but must…

New York Treasure Adventure Game

This week’s game comes from Margit and goes with CD11‘sΒ Treasure adventure:. Β What do you think? 1. Use the “Where is Baby Monkey?” posters (from the “Where are you from?” topic) 2. Cut them out and spread them on the table. 3. Now one kid says “It’s my pleasure to show a picture of Baby Monkey’s…

Mega Christmas Board Game – “Who is in the attic?”

If you have a small private class and want a huge mega board game that gives you a chance of using lots of different language, we’ve got something very special for you today “Who is in the attic?” Christmas special! Gumby has made this video that shows how to play it: And here are all…