Search Results for: game

Ice Cream Game

Mido Farid has just sent in this great Summer game! 1. Do yourΒ normal lesson. 2. Draw two huge ice cream cones on the board. Β One for the kids. Β One for the teacher. 3. Put all the picture cards from today’s theme on the board. 4. Now circle several of the picture cards. 5. Ask today’s…

Mr Tiger Present Continuous Game

Genki English reader Lines has just sent in this variation on the How are you? Monster or Mr Wolf games, Β but this time for the present continuous i.e. I’m …. ing 1. Make a circle. 2. One child is a wild animal( they choose one, say Mr Tiger.) 3. He/she is in the centre. 4….

World Cup 2010 Card Game

Gaz has just sent in this amazingΒ World Cup Card Game. The rules are similar to “Top Trumps” or theΒ Genki English Card Game (check out theΒ animation instructions or theΒ countries version too!) and it features all the 2010 World Cup countries. Of course you can change the rules however you like, but statements you could use with…

New Game: Is it you Jack?No it’s me John!!!!

Rafa has just sent in this great game you can use to review any English, or to evaluate your kids without them knowing! ————————————————————– This is a really fantastic game!Β I’mΒ sure your students will Love it 1. Take one of the students to the front of class. 2. This student should stay looking at the board…

Hito Doubutsu Game –

Here’s another game from the ACET meeting last week, this time from Riki! 1. Get some adjective cards. 2. Get some animal cards. 3. Get the kids in groups of three. 4. Pick one adjective and one animal card and tell the first three kids to make this animal, together, using their bodies! e.g a…

Games to teach reading

Many of the games on the Genki English Games page can be used to teach reading. Β You simply change the picture cards used to be written words. Β (Of course a little phonics beforehand always helps!) Here’s another game to teach reading that Yoko introduced at the ACET meeting on Sunday: Who, what or where? Reading…