Games to teach reading

Many of the games on the Genki English Games page can be used to teach reading. ย You simply change the picture cards used to be written words. ย (Of course a little phonics beforehand always helps!)

Here’s another game to teach reading that Yoko introduced at the ACET meeting on Sunday:

Who, what or where? Reading Game

1. Prepare several foam pads.

2. On one side of each pad glue a noun.

3. On the other side glue a person’s name.

4. Assign one team as the “What?” team – they want the nouns.

5. Assign the other team as the “Who?” team – they want the names.


6. ย When you say “Go!” the kids have to race and turn the foam pads so that the type of word they are looking for is facing up. ย e.g. if a pad has “Richard” facing up the “what?” team would want to turn it over!

7. At the end of the time see how many words each team has.

It’s a lot of fun and a great reading exercise. ย You can also add extra words for “where”, “when” etc.

Richard Graham

I'm on a mission to make education Genkiโ€”fun, exciting, and full of life! Genki English has now been researched by Harvard University and licensed by the British Council around the world. The results have been magical! Now I'm here to help you teach amazing lessons, with all the materials prepared for you, and to double your teaching income so you can sustainably help many more students in the future!

3 Responses to “Games to teach reading”

  1. Margit

    I’ll try this right away. This game sounds great! Thank you.

  2. rizza

    hi thanks so much for all the good ideas you have i and for replying swiftly in every questions that I asked I really appreciate this.By the way I want to try this reading game but I cannot fully get how to make it,I mean I will only write a noun or a persons name in each foam,or both sides of each foam?

  3. Margit

    I went to luck for foam. So let me share my additional idea. I find it lots of work to keep cutting foams and they are also going to fill my shelf right away.
    So I had the idea of using paper plates instead. They don’t take up much space, I don’t have to cut them, they are very very cheap (I got 30 for 100Yen), easy to write on…
    rizza, I think you write a person on the front and a place or a noun (depending on wether you want to practice “what” or “where” on the back
    (If using paper plates, make sure, that you don’t use the upper site only for places,,,because then they would start looking at the shape of the plate instead of reading.)
    Okay I got 90 plates, so I should start now.

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