Search Results for: game

Better Students. Β Happier Parents & More Income for your School? Β  This is the Genki English Homework program!

The Genki English software on your students’ mobiles! The “flipped classroom” is the way to become a world leader with your English classroom. Β  And now your students can get access to the Genki English software at home! The quickstart guide: You apply to make the Genki English software available to your students. Do the…

πŸŽƒ It’s Halloween Time – 2020 has been scary enough, let’s just focus on the fun part of Halloween this year!

2020 has been scary enough, let’s just focus on the fun part of Halloween this year! Β  Β And a huge thank you to all of you who became VIP members this week, Β  enjoy what I’ve got for you! Top Halloween Songs & Full Lessons One of the easiest holidays to teach to kids is…

🍿 New “How to teach Advanced C1/C2 Level Genki English” Video Training

I want to make Genki English the number one choice for all English Teachers around the world. Β  Β The main program is already certified to A1/A2 on the CEFR soΒ I’ve just added in another complete training, this time on how to teach C1/C2 level advanced English. The idea is to make the Β Genki English Teacher’s…

πŸŽ‰ It’s exactly 20 years ago that Genki English became my job full time!

Exactly 20 years ago, back in the year 2000, I gave up my full time school teaching job and Genki English became my full time occupation. The website I had started one year earlier to share my ideas, lesson plans and games.Β My motivation was seeing so many kids suffering from really bad lessons and I…

⚑️ 5 Quick Tips for Teaching English Online

I’ve been teaching online for 20 years now and over this past 4 months we’ve seen nearly all the Genki English teachers move online at some point or another. So here are my top five tips: 1. Don’tΒ change it. Β Keep doing what you’re doing! Making the shift to online, either temporarily or permanently, is a…

Some great news today: Genki English Online for your students is extended until May 30th!

Some good news for you today, Β I’ve extended the for your students until May 30th! Β  (The hard cut off date is May 31st, so we’re saying May 30th to make sure all time zones fit in!) It has been a huge success in 110 countries so far but there are a few reasons…