Search Results for: game

πŸ“² It is soooo cool to have Genki English on iPhone/iPad

NEW UPDATE: Β Congratulations to everyone who got in on the iPhone/iPad “Sneak Peek!” Β  Β Keep giving us your feedback and hopefully we’ll be able to launch it to all teachers and students next year! It’s taken a long, long time and lots and lots of work from over a dozen tech teams in Vietnam, Ukraine,…

πŸ˜„ Let’s take this as a chance to redefine what makes us happy

For many of us this year has been quite an identity shift. Β  Β  For me I went from literally traveling around the world for workshops to being in lockdown for months at a time. Lockdown 1 was fine, Β it was a chance to chill, take a break, slow down for a while. Now with…

“Random Acts of Kindness” for World Kindness Day

Hello, It’s World Kindness Day this Friday and over in the Teacher’s group Luigi asked if I had any great games to go with it. We don’t have anything in the Genki English Curriculum but we do have a fantastic activity in the Genki Self Development Program. It’s called, quite simply, Β “Random Acts of Kindness”…

⚑️ “How to Teach English Online” Survival Guide!

It looks like we all need to get back to (or at least prepare to get back to, just in case!) teaching online again. Β  Don’t worry, with just a little preparation it can be just as fun, and sometimes even more so, than regular offline lessons! Genki English VIP Members (i.e. amazing teachers who…

πŸ“š Can I use Genki English to add to a textbook or course book?

As you may have noticed I do go on a bit about why I don’t like textbooks. πŸ™‚ But what if you have to teach a textbook or have found one that you really love? Β ( I have actually found one or two that are quite good over the years!) Can you still use Genki…

Better Students. Β Happier Parents & More Income for your School? Β  This is the Genki English Homework program!

The Genki English software on your students’ mobiles! The “flipped classroom” is the way to become a world leader with your English classroom. Β  And now your students can get access to the Genki English software at home! The quickstart guide: You apply to make the Genki English software available to your students. Do the…