Search Results for: game

Wow – now this is the way to teach!

The Prague trip has been very eye opening. Β Yesterday we had Brendan’s teenage class withΒ completely fluent students. Β And quite a few of you wrote in to say “That sounds great but we don’t want to recommend computer games like that to little kids!” Which is fair enough! And I think I have the solution for…

Is it really possible to get completely fluent students? Absolutely, yes! Brendan has.

This weekend we had an amazing workshop in Prague. Β  We also did things a little differently with a training session in the morning and then one of the local teachers, Brendan kindly offered for us to join us in his afternoon classes so the teachers could try new things out and see how GE…

New Song & Lesson: Baby Monkey’s “This is my Day” Daily Routine!

Yesterday we had Little Red Riding Hood’s Daily Routine, Β and today it’s Baby Monkey’s turn. Β  There’s a whole new song, animation and beta test software on the new vol. 14 and the Teacher’s Set. There are also A4 pdf Flashcards available for VIP members too. Β  Lesson Plan Make sure you’ve done at least…

Little Red Riding Hood Morning Routines!

Although this is featured later on in the curriculum you can actually teach it to any level of students, plus as with all Genki English lessons we’re promoting healthy living with yoga, smoothies, meditation and morning gratitudes – all things that have been proven to improve students’ concentration and performance in class. Β  And of…

Sophie’s Report on using Genki English with her Adult Students

  Sophie sent this amazing message in about how she uses Genki English with her adult students. ============================== I wanted to post this somewhere on the website but couldn’t decide on the appropriate place for it so here it is πŸ™‚ I have tried Genki English on Indonesian adults for about 4 weeks now –…

Take Monday as Review Day

Quite a few people have been asking me how to structure Genki English when you have one lesson per day. Although most private school teachers do Genki English once or twice a week, it is quite common for pre-schools and kindergarten to do one, or sometimes even more, hours per week. Quite a few teachers…