Kids doing shapes & *How Many* Turtles??

Frank has just sent in this great video of his kids doing the shapes song in China:

Ironically of course, you can’t actually see Youtube in China! But I’m sure everyone is jealous of Frank’s classroom!

And Lucky in Hong Kong just posted this great photo with the Do you have any brothers or sisters? picture book!

Just look at his face!

And if any of you have videos or pictures of your kids doing any of the Genki English songs or games, please do upload/send them in. Believe it or not a lot of teachers still look at the things and go “oh no, real kids couldn’t do that” so I’d *love* to show them how it works!

Would you like to see more of these – if so please put a request up in the comments!

P.S.ย Luckyย has also put more great photos up on Facebook – be sure to like it if you do!

Richard Graham

I'm on a mission to make education Genkiโ€”fun, exciting, and full of life! Genki English has now been researched by Harvard University and licensed by the British Council around the world. The results have been magical! Now I'm here to help you teach amazing lessons, with all the materials prepared for you, and to double your teaching income so you can sustainably help many more students in the future!

4 Responses to “Kids doing shapes & *How Many* Turtles??”

  1. Margit

    OH NOOOO! Guess I’m late.

    I just took a super cute video of my kids doing the shape song, and was going to send it to you this week . Frank, congratulations!
    Well, shikataganai!

    Anyway, let me at least give you my feed back on the lesson:
    You know, I’ve never really been into teaching shapes as it is not really a communication skill.
    However I find this song really genki, so I put it into my kindergarten and first grader classes last month.
    And: I must recommend it to everyone teaching kids in this age. They just love and adore it. They sing the whole song by heart and want to start every lesson with this.
    We did some funny things with it, like:
    getting into 2 groups of 3 kids each and they told each other “make a triangle, square, etc” and the three bodies together had to somehow get into one shape, which is sometimes difficult.

    Or I just posed my leg somewhere and they had to get under, next to, over the leg and make a certain shape, etc.

    I think it is also good to connect to phonics or let’s say decoding:
    Make a certain pattern with the shapes and the kids have to figure out the pattern and lay one more of it, for example:
    “triangle, circle, circle, triangle, circle, circle, …” what will be next?

  2. Ms.Lucky

    Hi Richard,

    Wow! Thanks for sharing that picture, haha! We had a lot of fun that day. I will post up some more pictures for reference and show other teachers just how amazing Genki English can be!

    PS: Frank’s classroom is HUGE! I am indeed jealous ^__^

    Best Wishes,

  3. Kobekid

    thanks for sharing this Richard! Saw this in the morning and used it that day with my fifth graders. We had a blast guessing how many based on the animals.

    Question: Is there an electronic version on the book besides the web version? I just used the web version on the electronic black board but would like to use the format in picture… much bigger!

  4. richard

    I just use the pdf and put it up full screen!

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