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1. Weather Clap Clap Game
2. Adults / High School Songs
3. Vegetable Cards
4. Printable Curriculum
5. And Finally...
Welcome back to the new term, and this month there's a really simple new
game to try and for those of you who teach adults or High School Classes,
there is a whole new series of higher level songs for you!
1. Game of the Month: Weather Clap Clap Game
This is a great game that I got from Minami Sensei in Oita. It's very simple
and is great to use part way through a lesson, e.g. in the weather theme
( ) teach four words, then try this game, then the rest of the words and
then the song.
1. Everyone stands up.
2. Everyone says "What's the weather like?" ( or "How's
the weather?" if you like)
3. Everyone claps two times.
4. Everyone chooses one type of weather and whilst singing the line ( e.g.
"It's rainy") they do the gesture.
5. If any of the kids have chosen the same weather as the teacher, they
are out and sit down.
6. Repeat from 2 until all the kids are sat down.
You can use it with any of the themes, especially things like "How
are you?" or "Animals" or anything really. The kids probably
already play the rock paper scissors version of this game with the teacher
to choose who goes first in a class activities, so they pick it up really
2. Songs for High School / Adults
I've had lots of requests for Genki English songs for adult learners. I
find that in a class setting the
kids' songs work just as well ( or even better) for adults, but I've been playing
around with some new songs that feature more complex English, and are designed
for adult students to listen to and study on their own. They might also
be cool for high school students.
I'm still trying to figure out the best way of doing these songs, e.g.
what styles of music, what English to include etc. So I figured "Why
not give them away and see what people think?" So that's what I'm
doing. Eventually they'll be in a CD/Book form, but for now please feel
free to download these songs, give them to your students and please give
me as much feedback as you can, so the next set will be even more helpful!
Or if you have requests for target English or music styles then please
let me know ( ) and I'll see what I can do!
The current songs are:
If you had a million dollars...
Dream Holiday
What shall I do today?
Excuse me, where's the ... ?
What do you do in your free time?
Have you ever ...
3. Vegetable A4 cards
I never used to teach vegetables as the kids never seemed that excited
by them! But things do seem to have changed in the last few years. The
key seems to be to make them look cute. So as people have been asking for
vegetable flash cards, I've taken the ones from the Food Song ( ) and made them into 8 individual A4 cards that you can download if you
are a CD Owner ( ) . I've also put them in the "I like ..." form ( e.g. "carrots"
instead of "carrot" ) so it's easier for the kids to use straight
4. Printable Curriculum
I just realised that it takes a lot of pages to print out the Genki English
curriculum, so last week I put up a 2 page printable version. It's in English
and Japanese so you can show your school what you're doing, and there are
spaces to write in what themes are to be done on which days, which should
help you organising the term's schedule. I know how busy you are!
5. And Finally...
I've actually just got back from Korea, and hopefully I'll be having a
big workshop there in November, full details will be on the site when I
get them. And I'm now heading off to Thailand for a week to sort out a
Genki English project there. During that time we'll still be sending orders
off from Japan, and I'll do my best to keep up to my email whilst I'm on
the road!
Enjoy the Autumn term!
Be genki,
Richard J. Graham
Primary School English Games, Songs and Activities
All learning begins with the simple phrase, "I don't know."
-- by... author unknown
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