Your Daily Dose of Genki English!

Right I have just two days with no presentations to catch up with all my business and admin work and update the website. I did the Spiderman game but ...

During the kids’ shows one of the tricks I use to get the kids more hyped up is to tell them that the schools I went to the week before were so ...

Monday’s usually my day off but today we drove down to Nagasaki intending to do a bit of sightseeing, but we only just arrived in time to meet t...

I was really looking forward to today, this group of private teachers in Fukuoka is one of the best in the country, they are really keen for new ideas...

Hey! No production work! So my only job today was email and general business stuff, it felt like heaven with no pressure! In the evening I went out to...

I think this must be the longest day trip I’ve ever done! But it was cool to have no heavy bags to carry around. The ALT in the town rang me a f...