Your Daily Dose of Genki English!

It’s amazing how changing just tiny little details on the website can make such a huge difference. Last week I updated the order form to accommo...

For some strange reason I was up early and working by 8 this morning! Very strange! But funnily enough at 8:30 I got a call to say that one of the cit...

The delivery guy woke me up this morning with the printed masters of the card game. Ergghhh! They look absolutely horrible!! When I design stuff for t...

I wasn’t too genki today so couldn’t do too much creative stuff ( the genkiness always shows through!!). But I had a ton of work/admin stu...

It took me 10 hours today just to catch up on last week’s email and running around after orders etc! And I’ve got a CD remix to do before ...

Did some work this morning, just general sort of stuff then went out to Aso San for a game of golf!! And it was fantastic weather, absolutely brillian...