Your Daily Dose of Genki English!

So after last night having one or two too many shandies, I wasn’t feeling too genki this morning! But I had to get up early to get the Shinkanse...

Now that’s a long title! I got a call the other week asking me to attend the event tonight, to meet a lot of people and to offer my support to t...

After the rain ( very late, but still welcome, droughts are not fun in Japan!), it’s now Summer. And it seems like the whole city is buzzing fro...

I’ve been so busy making things I haven’t had chance to update the blog! Have a look round the site, there’s lots of new stuff e.g. ...

Today was the second time I’ve visited a school in such a short time ( I was here exactly a year ago), and it is so nice to see how the kids hav...

Day off? Not much chance of that! Spent this morning on the phone organising stuff and the rest of the day trying to do the new catalogue designs. Thi...