Your Daily Dose of Genki English!

One of the really, really nice things about my job is that I can literally do it anywhere. If I have internet access for email and skype, it doesnR...

Well that was an interesting flight back to Japan. I left Leeds on Thursday morning and arrived in Fukuoka on Saturday morning! Two 9 hour stop overs ...

It does feel a little strange that I was PRing the blog in the newsletters this month, then I’ve been so busy I haven’t had time to update...

From now on it seems like things are a bit more tricky to explain! My homework for today: trying to breathe without making a sound. It’s designe...

Part two of the voice tips series…. steam! If you feel your voice getting hoarse, get a humidifier for your room ( Argos sell them in the UK). O...

When experienced teachers ask me for a bit of advice, I always recommend singing lessons. This isn’t to get your singing any better ( hey, I can...