Your Daily Dose of Genki English!

I put another two picture books in the “beta test” section of the forum today. One is to go with CD5’s “Creepy Crawlies”...

Two weeks ago my music teacher asked me to buy a book. I was all eager, wanting to get it to practice at home. But… once I left the lesson every...

If you run your own school, how much fun is it to sign up with you? And, more importantly, how easy is it to recommend to your friends? Last week I si...

Learning English is just like the gym, for most people it’s one of the things you know you should be doing, but… it’s always just to...

One request I’ve had quite a few times over the last few days, from various ALTs, has been for an explanation of Halloween in Japanese to show y...

Just spent the last couple of days in Korea. As usual the food was fantastic, tons of vegetables with just about anything you order. Going on the high...