Your Daily Dose of Genki English!

Here’s a new “Eat! Drink! Dance!” TPR style warm up song that features only the command versions of the verbs in the “What do ...

If you’ve had enough of the cold weather, want an adventure and want to help others, I just got this info through about the latest PEPY ride adv...

The colour superhero cards are now online, and they are looking very good, especially the new “cook” one! There are also mini-cards and lo...

I don’t mean to make anyone jealous, but here’s something that might cheer up a winter’s morning. It’s a video I took of the h...

Here’s a valentine’s chocolates video I shot in Tokyo last week. Instead of guys being pressured into buying expensive gifts for girls, in...

There’s an interesting article in the BBC today about how “Toddlers who use gestures more often have better vocabularies on reaching schoo...