Your Daily Dose of Genki English!

If you can’t quite afford to buy the Teacher’s Setย in one go, ย lots of you have been asking if the installment plan for the Teacher̵...

Ooooh, argggh, yes it is! So how about some pirate colors with Pirates with the Colored Beardsย  or some Phonics “ure” practice with Treas...

I don’t know if it’s the 9/11 coverage on TV or just the beginning of term, ย but this week I’ve noticed lots and lots of teachers b...

This post has been pretty huge on Facebook, so I thought I’d share it for you too here. It’s my top tips for how to start your very first ...

I just did another Facebook Live session over on the Genki English Facebook page – we had some great questions! If you’d like to ask a que...

Apart from the games in the Top Ten Games ebook (the one you get free with the Superhero Teaching email course, which is also free of course ๐Ÿ™‚ ย ) ...