Author Archives: Richard Graham

Sustainability, can you help?

Sustainability Education is a hugely important new trend and is something I’m hoping to help with in the future. Long-time Genki English contributor, Joel Bacha, is conducting research to assist the new UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development. Part of the research investigates the perceptions of the word ‘sustainability’ across languages and cultures through…

The Mr Miyagi School of English

I ordered Brett Manning’s Singing Success vocal programme today. In his “Philosophy of Learning” section he writes: Have you ever seen the movie Karate Kid?ย  Singing Success uses the same “wax on, wax off” approach to learning.ย  You’ll improve steadily by doing simple exercises that retrain your muscles to automatically respond with new coordinations.ย  That’s…

The high note

Yesterday I had a drum lesson ( I need to learn some new styles for the next CD). It was great, the teacher came up with simple stuff that sounded really, really cool. I walked out of there on a total high, in fact so much so that I hired the studio out for another…

New blogs

If you enjoy reading my blog ( why else would you be here? : ) ), then two very Genki English readers have set up their own. They run down what they do in their lessons and it’s a great insight into how other teachers put the stuff to use in real classrooms. Have a…

Halloween Janken

Two posts in one day, eh. Here’s an idea I just heard from Koko, a teacher in Fukuoka, – Halloween Janken! It’s just like normal Janken, but “rock” becomes “Pumpkin“, “paper” becomes a “Spider” ( your fingers become legs) and “scissors” is a V for “Vampire!”. Pumpkin, spider, vampire, 1,2,3! Enjoy!

Xmas Bugs

I put another two picture books in the “beta test” section of the forum today. One is to go with CD5’s “Creepy Crawlies” theme, and one is a Christmas mashup of CD5’s “Where is Mr Monkey?” ( under on, in etc.) and CD4’s “Where, where, where?“. Have a look and see what you think! PS…