There was a request over on the members groupย for the template to make your own 8 sided die or dice. Here it is!

The pre-designed dice (with graphics already in) VIPs can find on many of the songs pages e.g. click through from to the song you want from this page.

They’re great for adding a bit of randomness to games, some craft English as you are making them and for kids to take home and show off to their parents. ย Even really simple games like just rolling the die and saying the English are insanely popular with the kids!


Gaz has also been making some very cool colour versions, ย would you be interested in having some of those on the site?

Richard Graham

I'm on a mission to make education Genkiโ€”fun, exciting, and full of life! Genki English has now been researched by Harvard University and licensed by the British Council around the world. The results have been magical! Now I'm here to help you teach amazing lessons, with all the materials prepared for you, and to double your teaching income so you can sustainably help many more students in the future!

6 Responses to “8 sided dice template”

  1. Margit

    Thank YOU!

    That’s great. I was actually thinking that it would work great for my huge classes. Of course I love the non-prep games as well, but sometimes it is hard to have EVERYBODY involved . So last term I made bunches of mini-mini cards of certain topics and used them for games to play in groups.
    Now I thought with the dice,

    I’m going to have 6 groups (about 5 students each) and give each group two dices. (different topics).
    They diced who starts in each group.
    Than I ask a review question and the group(the kid who’s turn it is) who reacts quickest and can answer in a full sentence gets one point. Minus for speaking Japanese or being noisy, etc.

    The kids could prepare the dice for HW on their own easily, but as I’m still on holiday, I just made about 30.

    Looking forward to my first lesson for this term.
    I’ll use this template for “famous people”: What’s your name?” Where are you from? When is your birthday etc.

  2. Julian-k

    I personally would love to see colour versions! Actually I’d love to see more of these cut-out-and-play type games (domino’s, “The one” card games etc etc) in general – I get SO much use out of them!

  3. Margit

    I share Julian-k’s request!
    For the “One left” card game I would love to have something more connected with food.
    The kids just love eating good stuff. Thinking of “verb+ing something”
    For example: Mother monkey is buying potatoes…”/washing potatoes/pealing potatoes/eating potatoes/cooking p./cutting p.///

    Or , as there has been lots of stuff with clothes recently:
    Seasons+ clothes:
    In Winter Baby Monkey always wears his coat.///

    Writing this maybe there could be one more advanced thing with:
    always, sometimes, usually , never + daily routines.

    Another thing I’ve been wondering about as far as this game is concerned:
    Would it be good to have about half of the cards without the written sentences on the bottom? The more mature kids get in reading the more they just read (it correctly) without really thinking about what they’ve been saying.
    I think it’s good in one way to have the reading practice, so I wouldn’t want to erase it completely. Would there be a compromise?
    what does everyone think?

  4. Flossy

    I would like to see some colour versions for the dice. I usually give the children the template on coloured paper, but I would like the images in colour too.

    I agree the more games, wordsearches, word scrambles etc the better. I find it is so much better to use those on the site, as there are designed for the dedicated themes. I also like the dominoes that Rogers created too. It is good to have the sentence for lower level children.

  5. gaz

    Hi julian
    Which dice do you want in colour?
    Might be able to help you!!


  6. Julian-k

    Now, โ€œwhich onesโ€ is a tough question โ€“ I tend to get so much use out of all the B&W ones (I teach all of small 1 โ€“ 3 people groups).
    Certainly the ones I get the most use out of are the โ€œwhere are you going/ do you liveโ€ themes as well as the pronouns, โ€œhow are youโ€ and โ€œwhat are you doingโ€ themes. If you had any for those Iโ€™d be eternally grateful!

    Also i agree with Margit that a food related card game would be great. The other one that always springs to my mind too is pronouns and verbs.

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