We all know that gratitude is what makes people happy.
It’s what keeps kids from pestering you about the latest plastic toys.
It’s what keeps crazy busy teachers sane when it looks like everything is going crazy.
And it just makes us ….. happy.
If you’re teaching advanced adults using Genki EnglishΒ then we have gratitude in there everyday.
But for kids it can be a little more tricky to spend a whole lesson on it.
Luckily one of the things that the Americans do really well is to have holidays, and I’m very grateful that they created one just for gratitude.
And it happens to be this Thursday.
So even if you’re not from the US,
Even if you’ve never really practiced gratitude in class before ( oooo, Β you are missing out on so much!)
Then give the lesson a try this week – the song is amazing but then when you follow it up with the activity it will transform your students for the rest of the year!