12 Characteristics of an Effective Teacher

Elizabeth has just sent in this link to a great report on “12 characteristics of a great teacher

It’s very cool, very readable (after the 2nd page!), only 8 pages long and I’m sure you’ll love it!


So, which ones do you agree with most?

Richard Graham

I'm on a mission to make education Genkiβ€”fun, exciting, and full of life! Genki English has now been researched by Harvard University and licensed by the British Council around the world. The results have been magical! Now I'm here to help you teach amazing lessons, with all the materials prepared for you, and to double your teaching income so you can sustainably help many more students in the future!

8 Responses to “12 Characteristics of an Effective Teacher”

  1. Jocely Kikuchi

    Hi Elizabeth sensie,
    Thank you very much for this articles.

    > So, which part do you agree most?
    I do agree most if it, but there’s a thing that I cannot do and will never do , the characteristic (6) Display a personal touch.
    4. I don’t really do this kind of stuff. I usually throw a X’mas party to play fair to everybody in exchange for that, so nobody can do a thing under the table.

  2. Liza

    Being in the elementary school classroom once a week for 50 mins is not the same as being a class teacher. However, my aim is to achieve all of the points mentioned in the article.

    On a really good day I achieve bits of all the points mentioned. On a bad day, well …. those are the days when I try not to lose sight of not only my goals but those of the kids too.

  3. Gumby

    Elizabeth, thank you for sharing this article. It was a good read and I agreed with most of it.

    Jocely, it’s interesting to say that you don’t display a personal touch. It is one thing that has changed in my own teaching. I try to use names whenever I can. If I see a student with a picture of a famous person I will ask about it. If I know that someone likes baseball, I will try to use that as an example in class. I never get too personal (neither student nor teacher appreciates that) but I will say what kind of cakes I like or talk about going shopping to the local store. I try to use examples that students can relate to, for example using local names or famous people. I watch the students play during recess and sometimes will join in. I try to make eye contact with all my students and make them feel that I am very aware of their presence. I know that there is a big difference when I attend a class, depending upon whether or not I think the teachers notices ME. If I can blend in, I will. If the teacher smiles and makes eye contact, mentions something to me however small after class, uses an example that I can directly relate to, Says ‘Hi’ to me at an outside event, I am more inclined to participate in class.

  4. Evi

    It was a wonderful report and personally I agree with all of them!
    I believe that I have all these traits or at least I try really really hard to be an effective teacher!
    I would like to comment though on number 3 which is what I always had in mind for education but sometimes the problem are the parents who don’t believe in their own children. I try to encourage the students and the parents just ruin my effort! They usually say “That’s the way she/he studies and she/he will never reach a higher level” or “Why did you tell my child that you expected a higher mark that’s discouraging”- What do you think ? Is it discouraging to have high expectations?

  5. Lines

    I agree with Gumby.
    I think all of us are good teachers: Why? because we use genki materials.Genki is the same than funny, so we are funny. Richard is a very creative teacher and we are, because everyone of us use in different ways the genki materials and so on.
    But for me,when I was a student ( I’m still a student because I’m always trying to be a better teacher)I liked to be part of the class, I liked to be important for my teacher.
    Why do we love Richard and genki english? because we feel we are a part of his class.When he sends the e-mail to thousands of teachers we feel as if we were the only one.
    If all the students feel they are part of the class is because we are always prepared, creative, never bored, respect, apologized, fairly…
    Thank you very much for being there and helping us to be better teachers.

  6. Margit


    what a great comment! You brought it to the point!

    And congratulations to your CD. It’s definitely yours!

  7. Janet Gray

    This article has done a very good job in bringing out what an excellent teacher looks like. As a teacher in the elementary grades, I totally agree with what it had to say.

  8. Nena

    I finally got around to reading the article! Very interesting and inspiring.
    Though I’m not a certified teacher…(I have a Psychology Bachelor’s degree) I love children..I try to connect and have them enjoy the lesson… we learn laugh and play…something I’ve always done even with my kids.
    Genki English has given me method and ideas and like Lines says teaches me how to become a teacher…not only by following Richard and his Genki ideas but through the comments and suggestions offered by everyone here! Thanks to you all!

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