Your Daily Dose of Genki English!

Had a deadline to send a couple of demos off to my publisher today. I already had one recorded and planned on doing another. But whilst playing around...

Took the morning off today ( as I won’t get much holiday this week). Then in the afternoon went out to Yodobashi Camera, where they have a massi...

I was in a good mood today and after playing around with the synths and stuff in 15 minutes 3 really cool songs just popped into my head – excel...

Things have been going a lot better today, it’s nice to be able to breath. I also got all my music gear set up and it’s fun being able to ...

You can tell it’s getting cold now, because no sooner did I try to get to sleep last night than my asthma started. This always happens in the wi...

Got my new computer today – yeah!! The thing is that until I put all my stuff on it, it’s not that much fun!! The first impression was ...