Your Daily Dose of Genki English!

Wow, what a difference when people pay to attend. Today’s teachers were absolutely fantastic. We had a ton of questions, tons of attention, lots...

Tomorrow I have a full day 9000 yen workshop for private school teachers here, so today they asked me to do a paid for show for their kids. I haven...

Instead of seeing today’s school as part of the messed up 3 day workshop plan, I simply looked on it as a “from the beginning” works...

Well maybe I was a little harsh on the school yesterday, today they actually tried really well. I expected only a handful to turn up, but we had more ...

Yesterday I was seriously thinking of cutting out the free workshops for public schools and charging for them all. The reason being that I’ve ha...

If you’re looking for a Summer Camp activity, one good one is a simple treasure hunt. You can either review “Where is Mr Monkey?” an...