Your Daily Dose of Genki English!

Especially in Europe, people always ask “why does Genki English focus so much on kids and schools?”. The reason is that school is broken. ...

I’ve just finished a big project in Japan (announcement coming soon!), and I’m now heading off to re-mix some new songs in the UK. Luckily...

I saw this on one of the mailing lists yesterday. The best quote: “You can never tell what type of impact you may have on another’s life b...

I always think that time management is one of the biggest problems in schools. Tim Ferriss’ new book “The Four Hour Work Week” ( whi...

You often hear about why Japanese people are so slim. And I’ve only just realised why.. I used to always get really frustrated at banquets in Ja...

UPDATE: ย These quizzes have all now been added as “games” to the Teacher’s Set softwareย e.g. check out the Fruit Market or I’...