Your Daily Dose of Genki English!

During the summer every day and in every city I had the teachers being stressed out by the same problems and worries. Most of them are really easy to ...

Whilst I was visiting Gaz’ town the other week he showed me lots of new minicards he’d made, including mini versions of the picture books ...

I originally wrote this message on Monday, but now we have comments enabled I figured it would be great to hear your top 3 most fun lessons as well.ย ...

Yesterday the Guardian in the UK had an article about my favourite of favourite language teachers the late Michel Thomas: My message “anybody ca...

Hello, I’ve just upgraded the blog design, what do you think? And I’ve also enabled comments, so you’ll be able to give feedback and...

There’s an article on the BBC today about the French Education Minister’s decision to offer free English lessons to all students in the sc...