Your Daily Dose of Genki English!

Normally day 2 of a 3 day workshop ends on a “will they really be able to do this?” note. But today’s teachers were fine right from ...

People often ask me if I ever get tired or feel like quitting. Usually, no. This morning, oh yes. Now I know why Japan is so bad at elementary school ...

Today was the first board of education workshop of the year organised by one of the Ministry of Education’s test schools. They also opened it up...

After not taking any photos in India last month and regretting it, I went out and bought myself a Casio EX-S10 camera (looks great, very easy to carry...

I’ve just spent the last week in Tokyo. I think it’s been my best week of year so far. Jet lag had me fully awake from 4AM so I just ploug...

It seems that Japan is a haven of amazing teaching materials produced by foreign teachers.Try this by Koomakids in Kumamoto, then try getting it out o...