Your Daily Dose of Genki English!

The people who I’ve been working with on the Spanish and Chinese sites over the last few weeks are all PhD students. It’s amazing to see t...

I mentioned in the newsletter yesterday my dislike for songs such as “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star”. Along with the Mother Goose tracks it ...

UPDATE: ย Thanks to everyone who came to these workshops! ย To find out the next time I’ll be in town, check out the schedule page here! I’...

There’s lots of buzz these days about High Definition TV (HDTV) and High Definition Gaming. So you might be pleased to know that your Genki Engl...

Get ’em while they’re hot, it’s the last few days for several of the Internet Exclusive bonus songs. Namely: How many do you have? H...

I got an interesting email from Nicoletta this week. She was wanting to play all the Genki English songs her kids have done so far as background music...