Your Daily Dose of Genki English!

Something’s coming…. real soon. beta…beta…beta...

I know you’re probably all head over heels with Halloween at the moment, but … September 19th is International Talk Like a Pirate Day! And...

This is a great game I heard from Diep at the ACET meeting the other day. ย Their next meeting is October 2nd and for 1,500 yen you get a ton of great...

A lot of teachers think that Genki English songs are just for grade school (years 1 to 12) kids. But just look at the all the comments my latest track...

Thanks for all the great comments on the post the other day – it is so good to hear from so many really great teachers. It’s often easy to...

Helen wrote in asking: Hello again Richard, I’ve started teaching an elderly person English who has a good understanding but is a bit timid . An...