Your Daily Dose of Genki English!

Windows users have long been able to enjoy the Genki English software on a full screen. ย And now thanks to OS X Lion, Mac users can now also enjoy th...

One of the great things about the “Ninja Bootcamps” is that ย we also get to learn lots of ย really cool teaching tricks from each other. ...

I just got an email to say that one of the school groups I’ve been working with in India has just won the “Digital Skills Program” a...

Dr Mani has just written a great post over on Yaro’s blog about being happy. One great quote is very useful to show that winning may be cool som...

Thanks to everyone who came to the huge workshop this weekend! ย Unfortunately the university didn’t have permission to post the videos online, ...

Pretty cool eh! (Apologies for the iphone wonkiness) The actual physical, hold-in-your-hand CD version of vol. 11 has just arrived! Until now I’...