Fancy a little restaurant role playing in class? Check this out from Teacher Lucky in Hong Kong: Genki Restaurant! P.S. The menus and flas...
Your Daily Dose of Genki English!
Here’s Mido’s game of the week: 1. Put the kids in two groups. 2. Draw a human a human figure (for practicing “My … hurts”) or put t...
The Europe Workshop thread has been busy with lots of teachers asking about workshops in France and Italy, so do put a message up there if you are i...
A quick video to show you the one simple biggest thing you can do to improve your English lessons. Attention spans? Discipline? Less stress? Thi...
A lot of you were very impressed with using the video projects to move from simple words to full conversations, but were put off with the tech aspects...
One often quoted line about teaching little kids is: They have very short attention spans, so be sure to change activities every 10 minutes. The thing...