Your Daily Dose of Genki English!

Wow, the 30 Day Positive Words challenge has been going fantastically well with thousands of teachers and students over on Facebook and Youtube. The i...

UPDATES: ย  These videos are all now part of the Teacher Training Academy!   If you want to learn my secrets of how I teach so many students arou...

I get a lot of emails along the lines of “My students sleep in class. ย What can I do?” ย or things like “My students refuse to sit ...

There are a lot of things to consider when designing your ESL curriculum. ย  ย Here I talk about the top 3 most important things I believe we should i...

A brand new “positive words” video each day, for 30 days. ย If you’ve got any students who might be interested, ย share the videos w...

Here’s a super cute game to go with the new Numbers lesson plan – enjoy!...