Your Daily Dose of Genki English!

A goal shared is a goal half way reached, ย so let’s work on our teaching goals for 2017 together! Just write them up in the comments and be ama...

And here we have the updated pages for the Brainy Level 2. I’m going to stop here for the moment until I get all the feedback in. If you have an...

I just put this up in the School Owners Coaching Program and made Dacha cry and I’ve been struggling too, so I thought I’d share it with y...

UPDATE: ย The Homework Program applications are now OPEN for a limited time. Why do some teachers get amazing results and others struggle for years wi...

I’ve got some fancy new tech to make the live Teaching English Q&A sessions much more interactive and easy to use. So I’ll be trying i...

There is a famous story of a Chinese warrior. ย  As a reward for a particularly brave campaign the emperor asked him what he would like as a reward. &...