Quick Genki Phonics Overview Posters & Snakes & Ladders

I’ve just simplified the Genki Phonics into one easy package. ย 

(That should hopefully end a lot of confusion over which option to buy, ย there’s just one option now with everything included, the stories, posters, worksheets and a few bonusses! ๐Ÿ™‚ )

And I just updated the Genki Phonics Overview Wall Chart to add in to the pack.

It gives a really good birds’ eye overview of just what we cover in the Genki Phonics course.

Genki Phonics Overview Part 1

Part One is what most people consider the “basic” one-letter sounds:

Genki Phonics Overview Part 2

Part Two covers all the rest of the sounds in English including all the 2 and 3 letter ones.

Genki Phonics Overview Part 3

Finally, before we hit the irregular “sight words”, we have the “alternative readings.” These are different ways of representing the sounds that we’ve already done in parts 1 & 2.

(Ninja Tip: VIP members can of courseย download the high quality pdf.)

Hopefully that gives you a better picture of where we are going with teaching reading.

Plus of course you can print them out and put them on the wall when you are finished.

Do let me know what you think in the comments!

Be genki,


P.S. ย I also added in a “Final Review” Snakes & Ladders game. ย  Keep this for the end, once you’ve done all the 5 minute phonics lessons. ย  If the kids find it hard (and they should, it’s basically the whole English language!) then have the overview wall chart above nearby to give them some hints!

Genki Phonics Snakes & Ladders

Again VIP Members can download the high quality pdf here. ย Or you get it as a special bonus in the new Genki Phonics Pack.

Richard Graham

I'm on a mission to make education Genkiโ€”fun, exciting, and full of life! Genki English has now been researched by Harvard University and licensed by the British Council around the world. The results have been magical! Now I'm here to help you teach amazing lessons, with all the materials prepared for you, and to double your teaching income so you can sustainably help many more students in the future!

6 Responses to “Quick Genki Phonics Overview Posters & Snakes & Ladders”

  1. Margit

    I like the snakes and ladders approach for this.
    Now I am thinking of a fun way to get more out of it than just saying sssss mmmmmm
    Maybe just say one word with the sound?

    Anyway, thanks a lot.

  2. Richard Graham

    It is actually really challenging to play with everything in there, so I don’t think you’d actually need anything else would you??

  3. Trevor Lawless

    Thanks for this. Is there also a software update? Some of the anchor words on my software don’t match this poster.


  4. Richard Graham

    Hi Trevor, I think it should be up to date. Which ones do you have that don’t match?

  5. Trevor Lawless

    My school software has no picture in the n space (nothing, I guess), x has x box, Japan for j and I think there were one or two others I can’t remember off the top of my head.

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